De dónde eres?
From where are you?
In Spanish the verb ser is used for permanent situations. When I ask someone "de dónde eres?" I am inquiring about their roots.
I have been finding it really interesting the way that people respond. There are many things about the US that make me feel embarrassed to be from here, so I am always taken aback when I hear pride in the voices of people declaring where they are from.
Some examples of the pride I have heard:
de Cuba: People from Cuba answer in such a matter of fact way as if it has already been stated. Like, "of course I'm from Cuba."
de Peru: In the voice of Peruvians I hear a joyful pride. Like, "yep that's it, MY country."
de Colombia: A couple was telling me this week about their home country, Colombia. They explained how beautiful it is and were showing me pictures of Festival de Verano.
This weekend we joined Shalom's annual campout in Catalina State Park. We enjoyed the beautiful Catalina mountains, lighthearted community, and an outdoor Sunday service!
Now that's some pancakes!