by Ken R Landis (my father)
I have worked on ladders many times over the years and many times climbed far beyond the safe point reaching as high as I possibly could to reach the light, the edge of the roof, the branch, that one good apple. I’ve even put the base of my ladder in the frontend loader of my tractor so I could get a bit higher. What we’ll do to get higher… Then there are those moments where something shifts and suddenly we’re struck with the thought of “What am I thinking!?…what am I even doing up here!?” Climbing back down and getting ones feet back on the ground feels so good… “Ahhh this is where my feet belong!”
For Christmas this year we decided as a family it would be fun to be together in Arizona with Jessie, but after looking at airline ticket prices we got this “great idea” to take a driving adventure in our Prius. We of course didn’t plan the “bomb cyclone” snow storm into our travels. The weather channels began throwing the encouraging “storm of a lifetime” type of lines out there, so we adjusted and rather than waiting till our planned morning departure, we loaded up and hurried out at night and headed South trying to get ahead of the storm. Lots of rain, bits of snow, plenty of wind, plenty of cars and trucks off the road…but somehow we managed to stay out of the worst of it and made it to Tucson, AZ on Christmas evening.
Beautiful, sunny, and warm Arizona felt like a great escape knowing the amount of snow that was accumulating back home in NY. That would have been a nice story right there: “Family vacations in AZ enjoys break from winter cold.”
The weather shifted and snow moved to AZ. Sedona - snow, Flagstaff - ten inches, the Grand Canyon - snow and ice! Thankfully our snug Prius prepared with snow tires and now hauling all five of us now just chugged along so we enjoyed the stunning scenery and being together.
One of my greatest joys as we hiked hills and valleys, canyons, and cactus land was also seeing the diverse beauty of humanity celebrating the earth’s wonders together. Many languages were being spoken as mothers called their children or fathers picked up their little ones, or friends and couples walked along together. So much beyond my understanding, but I could witness humanity being part of and savoring God’s glorious creation…together!
We as humans often have a tendency to want to run from our troubles (a storm system, a job, difficult people, etc.), but often the journey of maturity leads us to discover that that which we ran from was not outside but within us…sort of like driving miles and miles to avoid the snow only to encounter it again. We easily project our own struggles on others and think by leaving the church, organization, relationship all will be better… Then, it snows again where we arrive.
Now I’m not saying there aren’t times to leave something that is toxic, and for sure there are life cycles that just come to an end…but let’s be sure we know what we are doing, own our own stuff, and have our snow tires ready…WE may just be where WE are going. Grace allows us to settle in be honest with who we are in all our blundering, our brokenness and accept God’s love, then smile and chug along enjoying the scenery. Grace, “She travels outside of Karma” as Bono sings.
Our Spiritual journey is often woven closely to a ladder journey - one we often think is up. We maybe have even been told that up is the way to the heavenly kingdom. We’ve been given the manual, we’ve possibly even constructed strange structures of understanding to get higher. We climb, we stretch, we reach, we hold tight, we look down upon others and the world below. High, but distant…a vantage point for sure…but disconnected. Then there are those life tremors, the winds of change, and our ladder wobbles and we fill with fear, clenching tighter…something is not right… If we pause long enough and are able to see clearly we may realize that Jesus was not up that ladder at all. This is the hard work - looking at what we have done - with humility and realizing, Jesus, the “Son of Man” (a humble term of humanity) is waiting for us at the bottom. God has already come to earth, incarnation. If we are courageous enough we climb back down the ladder and place our feet on the soil of the earth. ahhhh….that feels so much better.
Upon the earth our feet rest where they belong, and we look and see the beauty of humanity eye to eye.
We had the privilege on this trip to be guided by Jessie not just to beautiful mountains, canyons, bike trails, and hikes among the enormous Saguaro but also to the border wall in Nogales. I’ve seen photos and watched news programs about the wall, but to actually walk along it, seeing the razor wire, tech camera towers, and border patrol parked along the edge…The Reality of it just sits there. I often listen to diverse news programs, even spending time listening to very conservative satellite radio in an effort to try and understand. I’ve heard the hate, the fear, the stories of terror. I’ve heard the arguments for more wall, more wire, and the fear of a people unknown being held at a distance, but here I see a wall carving through humanity, through a city, through creation. It’s ugly, clearly not kingdom of God work. To justify it out of fear and ignorance I can understand, but it has no place in Love as God looks upon creation. Clearly a product of people high up on a ladder clenching on to a vantage point that must be preserved because that ladder may get bumped by new travelers…causing them to fall… hold tight….
Please pause and breathe and look around and look for Jesus up there.
I pray that I too may have the courage to climb down that ladder getting my feet back on the ground….and maybe join the tour Jessie gave through Casa Alitas where many people are working together feet on the ground, no presumption…no lofty position to hold…just feet on the ground, people of the earth, “Adam” of the earth, seeing the humanity of a people coming across the boarder needing refuge…seeing people, seeing the diversity, the beauty, the Divine Image within each one. Doing the hard work, the good work, the Holy work of seeing, of being incarnation, of thy Kingdom come on earth, of the Kingdom is at hand. I am humbled, I am in awe, I am warmed with tremendous pride for my daughter Jessie doing the good work and the rest of her MVS team giving of them selves this year to care for others and the planet. This is the good stuff of heaven crashing into earth. My heart is full of Joy to witness just of bit of the journey here in Arizona. Joy for sure!
Jessie, Thank you so much for the amazing time, for you being you, and striving to love and serve as best you can. We are so proud of you! Love you. - Papa
Landis family, I am so glad you were able to spend this time together. I love the pictures, the smiles, and the reflections by Ken. Bless you, Jessie, for doing this holy work and for reminding us that there is life outside of Northern New York! Connie Zehr